Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Down with the sickness

Alright so I haven't been feeling well for a few days now. It started Tuesday morning as I was about to get ready to head to Delta. I woke up and noticed my stomach kind of hurt, first thoughts on it being that it may need some food. I quickly tossed a wheat bagel into the toaster and then began getting ready while it toasted. Eventually it was ready, I added the cream cheese, consumed the happy little thing and then it began. My stomach decided that it actually didn't want food at all, and did a little twist inside. I quickly decided to sit down and not move, at this point I also noted the headache.

Headaches aren't very unusual to me anymore, it seems like I get them more and more all the time but this one was horrible because when I closed my eyes it was free admission to the Millennium Force typically found at Cedar Point, but today running through my living room.

I scrapped my plans to attend my classes but did go into work around 4pm. The entire time my tummy still did not feel happy with me but was not causing any serious threats at that time. I came home around 9:30, ate a peanut butter sandwich, and went to sleep about an hour later.

Day 2

So my stomach once again does not feel normal and has an overall weak feeling to it, this in turn caused me to miss digital imaging this morning, which makes me not happy. Instead of learning all the magical things of photoshop, I am here listening to my tummy rumble. Bleh

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Apple Gets Me Again!

It all started back in the fall of maybe 2005, an innocent trip to buy a mp3 player. I in fact refused to buy an iPod at the time, as I wanted to not give in to the conformity apple had in the mp3 market. I had planned on buying an iRiver or something like that. I called various best buys to find one in stock, the midland branch apparently had two coming in on a truck friday night. I rounded up my friend Zach Fitzgerald and headed to midland. After arriving we checked out the various mp3 players, noticed the size of the iRiver and then decided, screw that I am just going to get an iPod, and I did. Happy in my purchase I ran home to try out my new toy. No sooner then setting foot in the door I learned that they were coming out with iPods with colored screens sometime in the next month. NOOOOOO! It was alright, I dealt with it, and continued to use my plain iPod with its monochrome screen or whatever you call it.

Some time passes, a year or so in fact. A few friends were pretty heavy into macs and the more I talked to them the more interested I became. I soon had my eye on an Apple Macbook. I drooled over this little laptop for a good half year waiting for a chance to get one. Finally I ordered a beautiful black macbook, after about a week it arrived on my door step and I was infatuated with it. The following day I check in on, and to my surprise they revamped the macbooks to give them a slightly better processor and twice as much ram, (mine came with 512, the new ones come with 1g) Oh Snap! Apple got me again.

Honestly, I must not be informed enough or something. At that point I decided to try and keep as up to date with apple as I could to avoid any further mistakes like this. I watched the macworld keynote address several times, read every random apple rumor that comes across digg, and finally I decided to iPod shop again. Being a little more active now, I decided I wanted an iPod that I could easily wear around no matter what I was doing. I loved the size of the generation 2 shuffles and decided that was the route I was going to go. I ordered my tiny piece of happiness and it arrived yesterday. Today I check, and guess what? The iPod Shuffle now comes in colors. Science damn you Apple. You have done it again. Even though I am pretty sure I would of ordered the silver one anyways, it still makes me laugh a little inside at myself.

Monday, January 29, 2007


Alright, so here we are at another horrible, sluggish Monday praying for Friday (for me its actually thursdays). To help alleviate some of the mediocre processes of your afternoon I thought I would write a few things down about my weekend and toss it out there for you to read at your discretion. I am using bigger words than usual, dont get to excited about it, I am sure I will dumb down any moment.

First I should start with any updates I have for some of my other posts from the past week. My iPod shuffle came this morning, just before I left for Delta. I charged the little guy up and tossed a playlist on it and have been trying it out since then. This iPod is my favorate by far, it is rediculously small, even if it manages somehow to unclip itself from whatever you have it attached to, it weighs so little that it will not unplug itself from the headphones. Speaking of the headphones, it appears apple changed them a little bit, this may not be that new but it's definately new to me. My youngest brother Zack purchased a nano a few months back which still had the typically white ear buds with a tube like thing attached to the disc shaped ear bud. Now the ear buds I received with mine actually smoothly move from what once was the "tube" to the disc and also they have a more rubber feel to them overall instead of the hard plastic of old. Anyways, back on topic, the shuffle is amazing, if your looking for the most portable iPod to date this is definately for you.

Another update, I did make it to IHOP yesterday in Mt Pleasant. The newly opened resteraunt was very easy to find, being right on M-20 or whatever that main road is that I have taken so many times to the Soaring Eagle Casino. Adam, John, Melissa, JR, and I all went together, most of us ordering pretty much the same thing, a breakfast of eggs, hasbrowns, and a meat of our choice followed with three pancakes. JR decided to try the all you can eat pancakes, the record for that resteraunt being 27 pancakes. Even with our coaching JR only managed to eat 12 pancakes, but in doing so he beat our waiters record of 10, and also that was the most that waiter had personally served to a person. I think we are going to have to prep a little better so that next time we all can try.

I went to a Saginaw Spirits game Saturday, and watched them defeat the Windsor Spitfires, five to four. I think we all enjoyed it a lot, I personally liked that it wasn't a blowout but instead was close all three periods. After the game we all headed out to Lucky's to celebrate Eric Gies's birthday. Everyone had a good time I think, and it was fun to see everyone out there. From what I've heard Eric didnt have such a good time the following morning.

That pretty much highlights a few things from the last time I posted. Today the plan is to make it through work, race home, and try and catch Heroes in hi-def (our DVR cant record hi-def shows). I also have this weird bump on my head, I have no idea where it came from as I have no memory of hitting me head at any point this weekend. I noticed the bump last night and its somewhat noticable to anyone that looks at my head. Its not a bruise and doesnt hurt at all, unless it is what is causing this horrible headache, in which case it hurts a lot then.

Outlook beyond today is pretty gray, I dont have a lot of plans, so if anyone has any ideas on something fun to do, let me know.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Nothing accomplished, and yet I am tired

So I did absolutely nothing yesterday outside of watching several episodes of Scrubs and then back to back to back CSI Miami on A&E. Today hopefully will be better, since I shall actually be leaving the house. The plan being to hit up Apple B's and then a Spirits game.

My iPod shuffle is in flint, so hopefully fed ex will get it here monday.

I watched a new show! Its called the Dresden files or something like that. I think its on the Sci Fi station. I say "I think" because I just downloaded it through iTunes, which is free right now so everyone should go on there, find it, and then download your free episode and watch. The whole show is about this guy who has wizard like powers and uses them to help solve crimes and stuff. Ya its pretty much a male version of buffy/charmed. I like it a lot better then either of those shows so hopefully you will too.

Tomorrow I am having people over to watch the wings game on the big screen, originally I advertised this as wings in high def, but then I realized we no longer get stations in hi definition because my mom didnt want to pay the extra 10 bucks a month to charter. Its fairly understandable because we dont watch the few stations they have in HD very often, plus HD shows are rediculous big to tivo and I never get to watch shows when they are actually on. On the bright side (literally) the repair guy came out yesterday and replaced the bulb in our tv so it isnt so dark anymore, and doesnt take half a lifetime to warm up.

So anyways, thats about it. Check out The Dresden Files and let me know what you think about the show.

Friday, January 26, 2007

It's Snowing

So I had big plans today, which included going to get my check, placing that check in the bank, and then therefore paying some bills. Mother nature saw my plans and then smited them into the ground with an unruly snow fall straight from the depths of where ever snow comes from. Instead of heading out I have decided to sit home, watch scrubs, and probably shower, not necessarily in that order. Meanwhile....

My iPod shuffle isn't here yet, but it has only been two days so thats fairly expected, I am excited none the less. Have you guys noticed the new iPod commercial on tv now? Its the one Steve Jobs showed at MacWorld, I like it a lot, I am not sure why but the song fits the commercial real well, I guess its some british pop band or something. I think I am going to hunt it down.

There was some other random thought I had to write about but I forgot it. Ya I know amazing right?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

End of the work week

Well, its thursday, which is my friday for anyone that didnt know. I decided to drop the iPhone campaign I had going, instead I am just ordering a shuffle and going to get a regular cell phone when I switch to cingular. Apple already shipped the shuffle, I got it all engraved with my name and stuff. Adam is pretty pumped becuase we are going to be "shuffle buddies" .

The plans for this weekend include a trip to the Ihop in Mt Pleasant, and watching the wings game sunday in Hi Def. Its also Erics birthday so sounds like we are headed out to the bars saturday possibly.

That's about it for exciting news, I need to have a bunch of self portrait pictures taken this weekend for a project I start monday in digital imaging, so I will probably be employing all friends in the near area with my camera to take many pictures.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Woah! What is Up!!!!!

So I am sitting here at work listening to some 311, and kickin it with my buddy James and I thought, " I have left my blog readers in the dark for days!!!!!" So as you all fairly deserve, here is a little piece of my life in print.

First things first, I havent been feeling too good, lots of headaches and stuff. Not sure what that is about but I am just throwing that out there now.

Second, I finally watched Pan's labyrith, and outside of reading the entire movie, it was great. Surprisingly they are far fewer alice in wonderland like scenes then I expected, and the majority of the film takes place with real people in real places. I personally liked it a lot and I think Adam and John enjoyed it too, so when you get a chance you should check it out.

Third, There may be a strange picture of me on my living room floor and I want to explain it before it gets on the web. I was dead tired yesterday after only sleeping like four hours the night before at adams on his couch. I came home and relaxed by getting into some comfy clothes, and watching the Fox sunday line up. Next thing I know, I fell asleep on the couch. I heard zack saying something or laughing at me, so I stood up and intended to walk and get something to eat. Instead I looked down at the dog and knelt down to pet the puppy, next thing I knew I was sleeping on the ground with the dog. Mom and Zack apparently took a picture. Thats that. So if you see it sometime soon that is the story.

I think I had more to write about, but I forgot. I have been spacing out a lot lately and kind of havin some form of A.D.D. I should have some cool photoshop stuff done soon and probably will toss it up on here for people to check out.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Haven't wrote in a few days.

So just to throw some recaps out about my week, I thought I should toss a new post out.

First, I just got done playing a little World of Warcraft on my brothers account, the expansion was released tuesday so I was checking out the changes and additions. I have to admit I miss the game a little, and more importantly the people I played it with. You dont have to worry, I dont plan on returning to it anytime soon, to much time consumed.

Second, I auired a copy of Pan's Labyrinth through various connections, literally. I have yet to watch it htough becuase I am waiting to watch it with adam and john. They were fairly interested in it too so I am trying the whole patience thing. Anyone who knows me knows I am horrible at waiting for anything. When Heroes is on NBC Adam records it and we all go to his apartment to watch it on tuesdays, accept I cant wait a day so I always watch it monday night by myself. Thats just an example of the impatience.

I am rambling about nothing. If you take anything from this post, take with you what I learned today from digital imaging, Apple S, Apple S, Apple S. Always.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Need some Website Help

If anyone knows much about website design, and maybe a program that doesnt require a phd, let me know. Basically I am looking to put together a website with a left side navigation menu, with drop down categories from each nav button. I also want various people to be able to sign in and post on their own specific blogs or pages on the site. My knowledge is pretty limited so any feedback or pointers on how to make this possible would be great. Thanks guys.

Snow, Snow, Snow

So Delta is closed until 12 today due to the weather. I think its funny that they think I am going to come in then, because if they didn't notice, its still snowing out, and it is suppose to continue snowing right on through until tomorrow. Then lets think about the wind, whatever they plowed is definitely drifted over. In short I think today is going to be a sick day.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Pan's Labyrinth | Official Movie Site | Picturehouse

Pan's Labyrinth | Official Movie Site | Picturehouse

This movie looks intense, I just saw a commercial for it while watch The Colbert Report. Cant wait to see it, check it out and leave some comments.

Back and Forth

So after a few comments and horror stories of razr phones working great at first and then going to hell a little while after I started searching up cell phones again last night. My brother Chris and I searched up a cell phone review website and read the pros and cons of about every phone in the market. We argued back and forth and debated what phone would work and finally Chris pointed out the problem with all the cell phones we were looking at and told me why I didnt like them. It went something like this:

"Matt your retarded, no cellphone is going to be good enough because apple doesnt make it"

He also stated that I am overly opinionated on brands.

Anyways I am now back to my original plan of trying to save as much money as I can by June and seeing if I can manage to get the iPhone (I heard a rumor they are changing the name to avoid the lawsuit brought up by Cisco though).

What does this mean to everyone else I know? Less eating out, and probably not going to Florida with Eric and crew. Thoughts and comments are welcome peeps. I am also still looking for any cingular subscribers to let me know what their service is like, so if you are one of those people drop some knowledge on me.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thursday Afternoon

So I am kickin it here at Delta College in between class and work. Not much has been going on the last couple days outside of the frustration over the price of Apple's IPhone lol. Seriously though I think I am going to switch to cingular anyways at the end of the month and probably get a razr phone, anyone that thinks this is a bad idea please leave a comment suggesting why I should avoid either the phone or the service provider.

I also wanted to find a good news article off digg today to discuss but since digg facors apple news a lot there isn't much there outside of the IPhone craze. Actually though, I don't know if anyone else has heard or read this, so I will go ahead and toss it out there; Apparently Cisco systems already had the name IPhone patented and is now taking apple to court over copyright infringement. The whole thing is kind of interesting, worst case scenario apple will probably just call it the apple phone instead of "IPhone" kind of like there new tv add on isn't ITV but instead Apple TV.

That kind of wraps up everything thats on my mind right now, that and LEAVE COMMENTS. Its easy to leave comments on my blogs and you dont even have to register so DO IT!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


So now that they announced the price, and its substantially more then I had planned for, I am thinking I am just going to get a regular cell phone for now and maybe wait a few generations before getting the apple phone. It looks awesome but I am just not ready to have a phone that I would have to sell a body part to afford. Thats the update on my search for a new phone.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The IPhone

My new phone has been announced hopefully ( assuming I can afford it) Check it out here :

MacWorld Kickoff

So this might not interest everyone as much as it does me, but as a more recent convert to apple I am pumped to see the new products and find out what Steve Jobs unveils tonight in his keynote address. Hopefully my new cell phone gets announced, if not I will be a sad panda. Tonight around 10 or 11 the news should start pouring out so I will probably be posting to let everyone know how it turned out, and what products will be coming out this year to help convert you all to the apple!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Some Movie Reviews

So I have been checking out a lot of movies over the weekend and I thought I would just leave my opinions on each of them to help you guys pick out that rental this week at blockbuster or netflix.

First movie up was "The Naked Mile" or "an excuse to show naked women". The movie was alright and kind of funny here or there, but overall was fueled mainly by indecent exposure. The plot wasn't that amazing and its definitely a movie that was just tossed out to help collect revenue from the popularity of the American pie series. If you are a guy, and are looking for something that doesn't involve much thought to watch with your buddies, this movie is for you.

Second movie I watched this weekend was "A Scanner Darkly". The movie stars Keanu Reeves ( I have no idea if I just slaughtered his name). The film basically is about an undercover cop trying to expose networking of a drug called "d". The movie has a unique and fascinating style using computers to go over the actual character and give them a cell shading affect. The movie was kind of crazy and weird, but I liked it. If your looking for something out of the ordinary, this is a good rent or buy.

Third movie this weekend (ya I accomplished a lot) was Crank. I talked this movie down repeatedly when it was in theaters simply because it looked like another transporter movie with a different name in the previews. My friend Adam saw it and told me it was pretty good though so when i noticed the ad that it was coming out on dvd this week, I thought I should check it out. Most of you probably know the basis of the movie, a man is drugged and has to keep his adrenaline going to stay alive and negate the affects of the drug trying to stop his heart. He also does this while trying to seek revenge on the man who put him in the situation. There are of course a lot of crazy action scenes, and if your looking for a fast pace action film with drugs, sex, and guns, then this is your pick for the week. I liked it overall but the ending was kind of sketchy, when you check it out, let me know what you thought of it.

Fourth Movie (I need to get out more maybe?) The Night Listener. The movie has Robin Williams portraying a radio host from new york. Going through hard times a friend recommends him a book written by a abused young boy. Through the phone Robin Williams builds a relationship with the young writer and tries to meet him face to face. The movie is based on true events, and as many true event movies do, it leaves itself somewhat open ended. When the movie was done I really felt like I wasted an hour and a half of my life. I admit all I probably would of been doing would have been watching "The Illusionist" instead which happens to be the next and final movie.

Fifth Movie, "The Illusionist". If I had to pick one movie for you to watch over this next week, this movie would be it. The story follows a young magician who falls in love with a girl from the higher class of society. Threatened and told to stay away from the girl he leaves town to come back years later as a great illusionist. He runs into his childhood friend who is now almost engaged to the prince. Using his powers of illusion he tries to find a way to be with his childhood crush. The movie's ending was amazing, and I overall enjoyed every minute of it.

So that's all I have watched this weekend, odd that I put my favorite at the bottom of my list, but hopefully everyone reads that long to see it. Check back later for more random writings, and if you watch any of these and agree or disagree with me, toss up a comment.

Day 2 1/2

So the ads are working, which is kind of cool. I got all the various google stuff working with this too. Unfortunately Digg hasnt said anything back about the problem blogging news stories, but I also understand its the weekend so I might not get anything until tomorrow or tuesday.

Speaking of tomorrow, the winter semester at Delta College starts up. My first class is Mass Media at 8am, I am not much of a morning person but at least its my only 8am class this semester compared to every morning during the fall. I also get back into a regular schedule at work and will be at the audio/visual department from 4pm until 9pm monday through thursday, so if for some reason you are strolling through be sure to wave. This first week is probably going to be rough so I might be sleeping with my eyes open or grabbing some mountain dew amp to get through the day. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on how it goes and how the semester outlook pans out. Be sure to check back, I hope to write on this hopefully once a day. Also check out the ads once in awhile and make google (and I) happy.

One last thing, you guys can leave comments without register or anything, so if you shy away from it because you dont want to sign up, dont worry. You can even be anonymous if you want.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

A few hours in...

Alright so it has been a few hours now and I have spent a majority of them kicking and screaming trying to get the "blog this" feature working with blogger. I emailed the techy's at and hopefully they will respond with something useful but its mostly looking like I am going to be stuck without it for awhile but thats alright I will still figure out how to get everything on here I want to talk about.
What time I didnt use being frustrated with the digg, I used eating burger king with adam and working on his dvd player. A trip to the BK lounge always helps clear the head and clog the arteries. After eating a delicious double whopper we came back to the apartment to discover adam's dvd player no longer works. The lovely little cyberhome player decides to instead make a strange beep noise at us and to keep the gladiator dvd forever. Naturally we did a bit of operating and got the dvd out but I think the poor cyberhome has breathed its last breath.
Anyways, I am going to wrap this up quick so I can return to the epic struggle of combining Digg with Blogger, and after that I need to get those google ads working on here, so wish me luck and keep checking back.

Day 1

So my buddy Adam just showed me this site, and I got pretty interested so here I am. I like posting my random thoughts on stuff, and never was overly impressed with the myspace blog stuff so maybe this will be a better fit. I am also a big fan and they have the ability to link news stories to blogger so you can blog about the story, which is kind of cool. You'll probably see a mix of news stories I have thoughts on along with just random personal blogs. You'll enjoy it I am sure, so check back, I am going to try and post as much as I can, I take my MacBook with me everywhere so it shouldnt be a problem.