Sunday, January 7, 2007

Day 2 1/2

So the ads are working, which is kind of cool. I got all the various google stuff working with this too. Unfortunately Digg hasnt said anything back about the problem blogging news stories, but I also understand its the weekend so I might not get anything until tomorrow or tuesday.

Speaking of tomorrow, the winter semester at Delta College starts up. My first class is Mass Media at 8am, I am not much of a morning person but at least its my only 8am class this semester compared to every morning during the fall. I also get back into a regular schedule at work and will be at the audio/visual department from 4pm until 9pm monday through thursday, so if for some reason you are strolling through be sure to wave. This first week is probably going to be rough so I might be sleeping with my eyes open or grabbing some mountain dew amp to get through the day. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on how it goes and how the semester outlook pans out. Be sure to check back, I hope to write on this hopefully once a day. Also check out the ads once in awhile and make google (and I) happy.

One last thing, you guys can leave comments without register or anything, so if you shy away from it because you dont want to sign up, dont worry. You can even be anonymous if you want.

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