Last weekend we celebrated Adam's B-Day and so he planned a trip to "Clyde's", a hamburger restaurant on the other side of the Mackinaw Bridge. In theory we were to leave Saturday morning kind of early and be back in time for JR to work at 5 or 6.
Things got under way pretty flawlessly, Shelson and I both crashed on Adam's couches from the night before so we were already in the designated meeting place, JR also showed up on time. Unfortunately Greg is a little MIA and we were worried that we might fall behind the schedule, but luckily Greg was only a half hour late or so. We piled into shelson's suv thing and began the trek north.
The over all ride went pretty smooth, everyone was pretty comfortable, shelson has a fm transmitter for his iPod so we were making on the go playlists and joking around. We made one stop at a gas station maybe half way up. Most of us grabbed drinks or munchies, but Greg and Adam didn't think we should eat anything because the hamburgers were to be THAT good.
Some time went by and as we were joking around, someone made the comment about Clydes possibly being closed. The thought quickly pushed its way into all our minds and Adam began calling his sister Donna. Adam asked Donna to try and find a number for Clydes, and after a little bit of digging she found it for him. JR made the call on his phone and unfortunately no one answered the phone. Its funny how when you see the outcome that you don't like making an appearance you find excuses and reasons to explain the events. We soon decided that maybe they just weren't open for the day yet, or maybe they were really busy and under staffed. Eventually we got another phone number for the B&C Pizza in the same town. Adam made the call.
"Hi, this might sound weird but is the Clyde's restaurant open?"
Then it came, just thirty miles before the bridge, the answer we had all feared. "Nope, Clyde's is closed for the winter season." Adam was crushed. It was unbelievable, so unbelievable that Greg thought Adam was pulling some sort of joke on us. After a few minutes of disappointment we decided to turn around and at this point just find anywhere to eat because, frankly we were starving. A quick decision was made to eat at the Big Buck Brewery in Gaylord, it wasn't to far behind us and at least it would be something mildly more special then taco bell.
The brewery had alright food, and one of Shelson's friends from school that lived in the area came and visited with us while we ate. Even with the disappointment of not having Clyde's famous hamburgers I think everyone enjoyed themselves and we returned back to the apartments and continued on with the rest of the schedule, as kari was planning to have people over later that night to see her new apartment at waterside. That's another story, for another time though.
Threw these pictures together from the car ride, enjoy.

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