Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Excitement and Fear

Before I get into this post I should probably explain that I was promoted last December to a manager like position at Delta College Audio/Visual Department last November. I dont really manage much or anything, but often when the student workers find themselves over their heads, I am the guy they turn to, to bail them out.

That being said the fall semester is now only a few weeks away and our department is quickly realizing that our entire student staff is leaving, meaning we are hiring an entire new set of students. I've never really been around for this type of large turn over of student employees so it should be interesting. Normally we only hire one or two new employees, we throw them through some quick training the week before and if they run into a little bit of trouble, it is quickly corrected because we generally schedule them with someone that has some experience. However, with an entire new group of students that won't be possibly obvisouly. On one hand I am excited to see who we end up with. I'm hoping of course for some intellegent students that can catch on quickly, but you never know what we might end up with; Thats why I am equally scared. My boss already made a few jokes about buying a good pair of jogging sneakers for the first few weeks of the semester as I can only imagine I will have several nervous, panicked students calling for our help all at once.

The applications start flying in this upcoming Monday and we will start getting a taste of the what our options are. Hopefully all goes well, if not I might be investing in a good pair of Nikes and a large bottle of aspirin.

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