Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

America, you are indeed Retarded.

First off, I want to just say my sympathy goes out to all the families that are feeling pain and loss after the VATech shootings. I just want to make that clear before I get to far into this rant and people decide I am heartless.

America, can I ask you something? How can you be so proud of your way of life when you are so willing to give it up like a girl on prom night? It seems that we as a country cling to our freedoms and liberties, but the moment tradgedy strikes we practically beg our government to rape us of our rights and oppress us so that we can be "safe". This is probably something that reaches back much farther and longer than I have been around, but since I wasnt around, I dont care. I am going to start with 9/11, since this is really the point that I started paying attention to how things work.

September 11th, 2001 some planes ran into some buildings and killed many people. I am stating this very plain and simple because I am going to make the assumption that you, the reader, either has knowledge of this event or has had it force fed down your throat. 9/11 happened and quickly there after there was an outcry of the people, scared, miserable, and insecure. Everyone wanted to be protected, to be safe. Our government decided to find ways to help us with our dilemna and found this great tool called the patriot act that they would put in place to help good guys, catch bad guys. Now America in a sober state probably would of thought twice about the bill but because we were all drunk with fear and self pity we didnt think anything of it. Finally years later, we the public finally make some connections and basically come to the, " fuck, did I really?", conclusion. Good for us.

This sounds like things are looking up for us, as we sober up from this drunken drive down the road of our future.

Then this shooting happens in Virginia. 30 some people are shot and killed on the campus of Virginia Tech and now what do I hear amongst the hallways and general whispers of conversations as I walk down the hallways of my college? Thoughts and complaints about how we need the government to watch us more closely, how we need to be protected. While I think your hearts are in the right place, I have the overwhelming feeling that we are headed into the same bar we scored the last couple drinks of sorrow at in '01. People are complaining that they should of stopped this crazy guy from shooting all these people, stop him prior to the crime, but truth be told America, you cant arrest someone for something that he might do, and more importantly I dont want people to be able to arrest me for things I MIGHT do. This isnt a Tom Cruise movie. We can't see the future. You cant just arrest people because they seem fishy.

I guess I am ranting, and I apologize for that. The main purpose I am trying to say here is, men and women died to give us the freedoms and liberties we have today. They fought to free people from a controlling opressive form of governemnt. Now we seem to want to slap them in the face because some people died more recently. Stuff is going to happen, People will die, and we will mourn their deaths, but for the love of god do not use it as a reason push your own political propaganda, dont use it to strip this country of all the things that supposedly make it great, dont tell me that because I had a rough day at work and I am grumpy that you are going to arrest me on suspicion that I might do something bad. I am ranting.. Its all gibberish... I hope someone understand this...

Monday, April 16, 2007

Tired, Boondock Saints, Art Show

First off, I am tired, its 11:45 and I have just suddenly felt the affects of a long day. Honestly though I didnt make this thing to complain to you guys about my sleep issues.

I saw "The Boondock Saints" over the weekend, a movie from back around 2000. I liked it a lot, it had some interesting scenes and I ended up watching it twice, and now I am kind of thinking about watching it again. I always figure if you are willing and wanting to watch a movie more than twice, then it must be a damn good movie, and it is.

As it turns out, my connection lost poster made it into the art show at Delta. I didnt win any money or anything but I am pretty pumped to just get in the show. If you want to check it out, I am pretty sure it is going to be trapped in the S-Wing lobby until August, so stop by and look.

Its been a long day, tryin to help adam with some logos for his videos...then sleep...after laundry...after nashville game...sleep

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I over drafted my checking account apparently, and when I went to check it out today, becuase I thought it was a bank error I discovered, that no, in fact, I suck at life. They slapped me with an eighty dollar over draft fee. That was pretty much awesome.

I finally went to the gym today, the first time in close to a week and a half. I was doing amazing, running on the treadmill faster than I usually do, going through all my sets of weights like it was my job...then when I was doing leg curls I realized I did not feel very good. Then it got worse, and soon enough I realized my stomach was not happy at all and I was pretty confident I was going to get sick. I took a break and bought a propel. I decided just to finish with the cooling down on teh treadmill and I skipped leg extensions and the lateral weight lifting or whatever. It pretty much sucked again.

Just about finished my paper that was due about forty minutes ago in economics. So now I think I will just go ahead and turn that in on Thursday. I am also suppose to be at a sexual harrassment informational meeting for audio visual, which reminds me of a issue I have with this shithole. Why do they expect so much for so little? We get paid minimum wage with no bonuses or quirks like free school or anything like that such as the janitor kids have. Nope, just minimum wage, which is cool or whatever, but then they are constnatly on us expecting us to just be the best technical sport this side of the missippi and have crazy customer support skills and be all these things. I am sorry but when you think about it, some kid somewhere puts fries in grease and is probably making more than me, so I apologize for not jumping to be the best that I can be, particularly when my night manager knows so much less about the equipment that I am pretty sure she sometime struggles to turn some of it on. I dont mind minimum wage, but people, delta, you get what you pay for. I bet Dell's tech support in India makes more than I do, or at least has a decent support system of managers in case they dont know the answer to a problem. That was a rant. I am sorry. BLEH

Thursday, April 5, 2007


So I finally figured out why I keep getting my account blocked on myspace and one of those wonderful educational messages about phishing. As it turns out whenever I go to post the link to my blog in a bulletin, it flags my accounts as phished. HOW RETARDED IS THAT.

Can't Believe this


I honestly cant believe they killed of liverne (sp?). I mean I just assumed she would eventually pull out of whatever but then bam brain dead, and now they all say goodbye to her and stuff and like this is crazy depressing. I decided today that I hate girls again. I realize how random this is sounding. Anyways glad you were here to read this yayzors.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

So a little while later

Alright so this is where I am at right now with the project, I added some words, a few more wires and inverted the colors and adjusted them a little. Toss some feedback at me.

Monday, April 2, 2007

New PS Project

Need some critiques