Saturday, January 6, 2007

A few hours in...

Alright so it has been a few hours now and I have spent a majority of them kicking and screaming trying to get the "blog this" feature working with blogger. I emailed the techy's at and hopefully they will respond with something useful but its mostly looking like I am going to be stuck without it for awhile but thats alright I will still figure out how to get everything on here I want to talk about.
What time I didnt use being frustrated with the digg, I used eating burger king with adam and working on his dvd player. A trip to the BK lounge always helps clear the head and clog the arteries. After eating a delicious double whopper we came back to the apartment to discover adam's dvd player no longer works. The lovely little cyberhome player decides to instead make a strange beep noise at us and to keep the gladiator dvd forever. Naturally we did a bit of operating and got the dvd out but I think the poor cyberhome has breathed its last breath.
Anyways, I am going to wrap this up quick so I can return to the epic struggle of combining Digg with Blogger, and after that I need to get those google ads working on here, so wish me luck and keep checking back.

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