Monday, January 15, 2007

Need some Website Help

If anyone knows much about website design, and maybe a program that doesnt require a phd, let me know. Basically I am looking to put together a website with a left side navigation menu, with drop down categories from each nav button. I also want various people to be able to sign in and post on their own specific blogs or pages on the site. My knowledge is pretty limited so any feedback or pointers on how to make this possible would be great. Thanks guys.


PolishWonder said...

Talk to cheif or contact bodrie.

Unknown said...

Hey dude. Off the top of my head... first, a simple (free & open source) program for web editing is NVU, available here:

It's similar in idea to Dreamweaver, but free.

Now, for what you want to do...that's an interesting predicament. It sounds like there's a lot involved in this project, and you might be better off going with something like google groups ( It's certainly do-able to do what you're describing, but you've got to deal with user accounts (creating, deleting, maintaining), as well as you need somewhere to store the data (blogs) that's posted.

Depending on your goal, you might also just use google reader ( and get everyone a blogger account.

Anonymous said...

i have a legal copy of dreamweaver if u want that, although im not too efficient with it...:/ lmk.
